Thursday, July 14, 2011

Song Meaning - "Just A Dream" by Nelly

So, I have been meaning to type up this blog post for a long time and I finally have the time and my thoughts together to figure out what to say to better express what I want to say.  Hopefully when someone reads this, they understand what's going on and respect true emotion. 

This song does hit home to me cause when I first heard the song, I just got of a "relationship", if you can call it that, that had the possibilities of turning into something more.  Ever since my college sweetheart dumps within a month of me proposing to her, I have not been looking cause I was and still enjoying my life. However, living life alone is not cutting it anymore.  I want to have somebody awesome in my life, however the bitterness of rejection has taken over my game, which I have none to begin with.

Anyways back to the song meaning, I was just coming of the summer fling and I didn't want to truly accept that things were truly over.  I kept myself busy to not think about her with filming conventions & talking with guests.  I even took a trip to Walt Disney World with some friends to keep my mind off of her.  Then, I did a blog post about the top 20 sad love songs to which that song was part of the countdown and it got me thinking.  The song hits the chord on what I was feeling at the time, which still lingers today.

The story is about a successful relationship, which turns out to be only a dream when the guy is brought down from cloud nine to reality.  You dream about the family life, marriage, and finding true love, then suddenly the dream is over and you are all alone.  The reality of that situation is that it sucks.  No matter how much you joke about it or admit that you don't think it, the truth is there will be a point that you will think about it.

The song is a great song and it conveys a powerful emotion that captures people, which I think it was probably one of Nelly's greatest hits ever and the one that people like the most.  This definitely hits home to me and its tough to listen to without thinking about her and thinking about could have been.  Just to let everyone know, I'm sure the majority of the "Song Meaning" blog posts will be about someone that I was with in the past.

There have been times that I have tried to open up some people or tried to vlog about it.  In the end, I've been discouraged and lazy about opening up cause some of my friends can't really relate to it nor do they really care.  So, I know that there are people out who say I don't deserve someone awesome in my life, or that I deserve to be alone, or even correct my grammar cause they wanna show me up and feel good about themselves.  They have a right to, I put out my opinion and my story and I'm subject to abuse like that cause I put myself out there.   However in the end, music is what's important to me and the connection that i have with it.  It's more important to me than an opinion of someone who doesn't know me.

This has been "Song Meaning", and I'm gonna have a music rage post soon.

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